Created and maintained for FREE by Miloš Đekić, Software Craftsman at APPTORIUM
It's super easy to play Vangla! Let's figure it out together.
When you first access, you can:
Enter your email and nickname and then configure game options. Make sure your friends are in agreement on the rules 😀. Configure:
After clicking "START GAME" you will taken to the interstitial screen where you will wait until all players join. You will be able to copy the game ID from the header and share it with the rest of the plaayers.
Enter your email and nickname and then paste the game ID the host had sent you.
After clicking "JOIN GAME" you will taken to the interstitial screen where you will wait until all players join.
Before the game can start, all players need to join the game, submit their cards / terms and teams need to be formed.
Each player has to submit their own cards / terms. These should not be shared with anyone. The number of cards required was configured by the host before you joined the game.
After entering all terms and hitting "SUBMIT" you will be taken to the interstitial screen to wait until all players submit their terms.
After all players submit their terms, the game will form teams randomly.
The host can make the game repeat the process by clicking on "RANDOMIZE TEAMS" until everyone is sattisfied with the outcome.
When everyone is happy with the teams, the host can hit "ACCEPT TEAMS" and have the game start.
The game has a total of 3 rounds. A round begins with the beginning of the first turn and ends when all cards are exausted (claimed as points) or when the host decides to end the round prematurely.
When the game is ready for a new round to begin, a quick summary and explanation of the round being played will be shown, including a reminder on player turns.
Hint: The host will be able to click on the "END ROUND" button during the round to end the round prematurely.
When you're up you'll have the option to "START TURN". If you or anyone else got disconnected from the game mid-turn, after reconnecting you'll be able to "RESUME TURN". After clicking on any of these your turn will begin, a card will be drawn and the timer will start the countdown.
Look at the drawn card and its term. Do your best to explain the term respecting the rules of the specific round to your teammate. If your teammate guesses the word and proclaims it out loud, hit "NEXT" to claim the card as team point and draw another one.
Keep drawing cards and explaining the terms until your time ends or all cards are drawn during the round. After your turn ends another one will begin, or another round will be ready to start.
After all rounds are played, the game will end end display the final score plus all the terms players have submitted, so you can have a good laugh with your friends about that typo or the worst word ever.
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© 2020-2025 Miloš Đekić